introducing PESKY PIRATE

PESKY PIRATE are currently in the process of upgrading and improving our site to add more quality online ordering facilities. We apologise to our customers for the inconvenience, but we hope that you will enjoy the new improvements we are creating for you.

This site will have very limited functionality for the next 6 to 10 weeks. In the meantime, if you have any kind of enquiry, please use the contact emails below:

General Enquiries:
Marketing Director:


Mailing address:

Apartment 84 - 87
Middlebrook Retail Park
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 8708 746 455
Fax: +44 8701 313 725


Thank you for your patience.

Latest News

Success at the 2007 Chicago Film Festival. 3 CHIG awares and 2 Fistme awards

Film production - Hugo Boss Advert